1. 辽南变质核杂岩饮马湾山和赵房岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质 ...
辽南变质核杂岩饮马湾山和赵房岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄及其地质意义 · 1. 中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室,北京100083 · 2. · 3.
2. 海南岛屯昌玄武质科马提岩Sm-Nd同位素年龄及其地质意义
Meanwhile the basaltic komatiites give Nd model age of 1637-1756 Ma which correspond basically to the isochron age of 1687 Ma.These indicate that Tunchang ...
3. Aged Yancha - 2011 Ma Tou Yan Rou Gui 马头岩肉桂 | Xin An Chu
Aged Yancha - 2011 Ma Tou Yan Rou Gui 马头岩肉桂. PriceFrom €15.88. Sales ... age and origin of the tea. Ma Tou Yan, or Horse Head Rock, named for its ...
Among our Private Reserve series, this tea is an exception. In reality, it does not come from our private storage, but from the personal collection of a retired official from the Wuyi Agriculture Bureau, thus providing precise traceability regarding the age and origin of the tea. Ma Tou Yan, or Horse Head Rock, named for its topography, is located in the core production area of the Wuyi Mountains, at an altitude of 425 meters. Rou Gui from Ma Tou Yan is recognized as one of the most outstanding representatives of Wuyi Yancha, surpassed only by Rou Gui from Niu Lan Keng. A Yancha genuinely aged over ten years is not very common in the market, let alone an authentic one from such a prime location, making it undoubtedly a treasure. Unlike many individual collectors, the former owner of this tea, during his career in the Agriculture Bureau, amassed sufficient knowledge on how to preserve his teas, resulting in exquisite mature flavors aged under proper conditions. In addition to the characteristic aging aroma, the dry leaves, in a prewarmed Gaiwan, also reveal a subtle green-plum-like sourness that typically appears in well-aged Yancha. This plum note pleasantly flickers in the thick liquor during the initial infusions, accompanied by its complex flavors fairly distinct from fresh Yancha. Throughout all infusions, whether the intense initial ones or as the tea mellows from the 5th steeping onwards, it always brings rich minerality, plenty of sweetness, and incredibly, even after...
4. 西藏马莜木埃达克质斑岩的^40Ar-^39Ar年龄与地球化学特征
^40Ar-^39Ar age and geochemical features of the Mayum adakitic porphyry in Tibet · 摘要: 马莜木花岗闪长斑岩位于特提斯喜马拉雅构造带上的北喜马拉雅构造带,紧靠 ...
5. 鄂尔多斯奥陶纪马家沟期岩相古地理 - 沉积学报
The features of the lithofacies paleogeograph of the Majiagou Age 1, Majiagou Age 3 and Majiagou Age 5 are similar,which can be summerized as “outside lands ...
6. 大将分享《蕉风椰语话马来——一位中国80后的马来西亚社会观察》作者
1 nov 2020 · sku: 9789674192945 Author: 马岩岩Publication Date: 01/11/2020 Publisher: 大将出版社Series: 大将分享此书是作者多年来对马来西亚观察和思考的 ...
sku: 9789674192945 Author: 马岩岩 Publication Date: 01/11/2020 Publisher: 大将出版社 Series: 大将分享 此书是作者多年来对马来西亚观察和思考的文章结集,写作的时间刚好是马来西亚政治转型和社会变迁最尖锐的阶段,从而为时代巨变留下珍贵的纪录,以及保有温度。作者选择的题材,其实反映了过去十年马来西亚所经历的社会和政治矛盾,既有作者的局外人视角,亦有近身接触的微妙体验,正是认识与理解这个国家多元与复杂性格的一个横切面。--潘永强博士
7. 云南宁蒗光马山二长斑岩岩石地球化学及锆石U-Pb年龄 - 地质通报
Zircon U-Pb age and geochemistry of the Guangmashan monzonitic porphyry in Ninglang, Yunnan Province · WANG Hong 1, , · ZHANG Jinrang 1, · ZHOU Qing 1, · SUN ...
宁蒗光马山二长斑岩位于扬子陆块西缘、金沙江断裂带小金河断裂与宾川-程海断裂夹持部位。通过对宁蒗光马山二长斑岩进行锆石U-Pb定年,获得年龄为33.37±0.26Ma(MSWD=1.7,1σ),表明其形成时代为渐新世早期,与盐源-丽江富碱斑岩带主体侵位时代一致。岩石SiO2含量为61.55%~69.13%,全碱(Na2O+K2O)含量为8.85%~10.92%,N/K值为0.88~1.07,A/NK值为1.54~1.84,A/CNK值为1.23~1.72,属过铝质碱性石英二长斑岩。同时富集轻稀土元素、亏损重稀土元素,高La/Yb值,低Y、Yb和镁值(Mg# < 0.5),表明其具有大陆型或钾质C型埃达克岩的特征。该岩石可能形成于区内加厚地壳变泥质岩部分熔融,其起源演化受金沙江-红河走滑断裂系控制,是新生代印度-欧亚板块碰撞后伸展构造背景的产物。
8. [PDF] 鄂尔多斯奥陶纪马家沟期岩相古地理① - 沉积学报
i.e.Majiagou Age 1,Majiagou Age 2,Majiagou Age 3,Majiagou Age 4,Majiagou Age 5 and. Majiagou Age 6 of Ordovician in Ordos,have been is studied and mapped.In ...
9. Horse Head Rock Rou Gui 马头岩肉桂 - MY Teahouse
This tea helps digestion and reducing cholesterol better than other teas. Remarks, It is recommended in any of the four seasons, or any gender and age.
Colour: It has a mid-shine and is dark brown. Shape: It has a long curl/twist-strip, and is also called the “ back of a toad”. Size: About 40mm Smell: Strong rocky, smoky and fruity. Taste: Seagrass and is quite rocky, slight cinnamon flavour and floral Teaware: Clay teapot , Porcelain Gaiwan
10. 东昆仑马尼特地区中奥陶世侵入岩地球化学特征及地质意义 - 矿产勘查
... age, isotope data and geochemistry of tonalite. The results showe that the pluton emplacement time is 463.9±8.1 Ma(MSWK=0.19, which is era of Middle ...
马尼特地区位于东昆仑阿尼玛卿成矿带,为确定该区英云闪长岩的形成时代、源区性质和构造背景,对其进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学和同位素及地球化学研究。结果显示岩体侵位时间为(463.9±8.1)Ma(MSWK=0.19),属于中奥陶世。岩石SiO2含量为54.89%~67.62%,Na2O、K2O含量分别为3.06%~5.01%和0.79%~1.40%,全碱ALK=3.69%~6.41%,铝饱和指数A/CNK=0.84~1.33,属准铝质-过铝质系列岩石。稀土元素分布模式为轻稀土富集,具弱负Eu异常。岩石富集有大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th),Zr、Hf、Ta等高场强元素相对亏损,Nb、Y、Ti、P等元素显著亏损。以上特征表明,岩石为钙碱性-高钾钙碱性的I型花岗岩,结合岩石成岩年龄、地球化学特征以及区域构造演化,岩石具有活动陆缘俯冲消减带中岩浆弧的特征。推测其形成于早古生代早期与洋壳俯冲有关的早期陆缘弧或洋盆俯冲起始构造环境,该事件可能是原特提斯洋扩张演化在东昆仑地区的响应。;Manite area is located on the Animaqing metallogenic belt in East Kunlun. In roder to determine the formation time, magma sources and tectonic setting of the tonalite, the papper analyzed the zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb age, isotope data and geochemistry of tonalite. The results showe that the pluton emplacement time is 463.9±8.1 Ma(MSWK=0.19, which is era of Middle Ordovician. The contents of SiO2 (54.89%~67.62%),Na2O(3.06%~5.01%), K2O ( 0.79%~1.40%),ALK (3.69%~6.41%) and A/CNK( 0.84~1.33) in tonalite indicate that the tonalite belongs to a series of quasi-aluminous or -superaluminous rocks .The distribution modes of REE is that there is a deficit in LREE and a weak negative Eu anomaly. The tonalite is cha...
11. 宁芜盆地中三叠统黄马青组是大别造山带最早剥露的记录 - 高校地质学报
结果显示,黄马青组以岩屑石英砂岩、长石岩屑石英砂岩为主,石英含量76%~84%,岩 ... The detrital zircon age spectrum shows the main peaks at 350-250 Ma ...
Due to post-orogenic multi-stage tectonic events and long-term massive...
12. [PDF] 鄂尔多斯地区马家沟组层序岩相古地理特征 - 中国地质
鄂尔多斯奥陶纪马家沟期岩相古地理[J]. 沉积. 学报, 1999, 17(1):1B8. Feng Zengzhao, Bao Zhidong. Lithofacies Paleogeography of. Majiagou Age of Ordovician in Ordos ...
13. [PDF] 马达加斯加前寒武纪变质基底特征综述
Tsaratanana 绿岩带是分布在马岛中北部的3 条南. 北向展布的太古宙绿岩带(包括 ... [13]Collins A S, et al. Depositional age, provenance and metamorphic age of.
14. 桂中都安-马山煌斑岩成因及其构造意义 - 地球科学
煌斑岩 /; 40Ar-39Ar年龄 /; 地球化学 /; 燕山期 /; 动力学背景. Abstract: In order to determine the formation age of lamprophyre accurately in Du'an-Mashan belt ...
《地球科学》(ISSN 1000-2383;CN42-1874/P) (原刊名《地球科学——中国地质大学学报》ISSN 1000-2383;CN42-1233/P),创刊于1957年,是由教育部主管、中国地质大学主办的综合性地学学术理论期刊,月刊,2015年改名为《地球科学》,她以反映中国地质大学教学与科研最新的、高水平的基础地质、应用地质、资源与环境地质及地学工程技术研究成果为主要任务。
15. 大兴安岭吉峰科马提岩地质地球化学特征
The eight samples composed of komatiite, tholeiite and gabbro yield a reasonable isochron age of 1727Ma±74.7Ma with INd=0.510725±0.0000798, εNd (t)=6.94±1.56.